Here at BS Honey Bees, we take the well-being of our honeybees very seriously. We're proud to announce that we have recently earned approval under the Disease Assurance Scheme for Honeybees (DASH). This is a significant milestone in our commitment to providing healthy and robust bee colonies to our customers.

What is DASH?

DASH, or the Disease Assurance Scheme for Honeybees, is a rigorous inspection and certification program designed to ensure the health and disease-free status of honeybee colonies in the United Kingdom. DASH provides beekeepers and customers with confidence that the bees they purchase are in excellent condition and are free from many of the common diseases and pests that can affect honeybee colonies.

The Importance of DASH Approval

Earning DASH approval is a testament to our dedication to maintaining high standards for the health of our honeybees. By adhering to these strict guidelines and achieving DASH certification, we can offer our customers the peace of mind that they are receiving strong, disease-free honeybee colonies.

What Does DASH Cover?

DASH covers various aspects of honeybee health, including:

  1. Disease-Free Assurance: The program ensures that honeybee colonies are free from specific diseases like American Foulbrood and European Foulbrood.

  2. Pest Control: DASH guidelines include effective measures for managing and preventing common bee pests.

  3. Bee Welfare: The welfare and well-being of the bees, such as access to food, water, and suitable living conditions, are assessed.

  4. Conservation: DASH encourages practices that support honeybee conservation and biodiversity.

Why Choose DASH-Certified Bees from BS Honey Bees?

When you choose honeybee colonies from BS Honey Bees, you're not just getting bees; you're investing in the future health and sustainability of your apiary. Our DASH certification reflects our commitment to providing healthy, thriving bees. These bees are more likely to thrive in your care, resulting in successful hives and bountiful honey production.


Our recent DASH approval is a testament to our dedication to delivering quality and disease-free honeybee colonies. When you choose BS Honey Bees, you're choosing bees that have met rigorous health and welfare standards.

If you're looking to purchase DASH-certified honeybees, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're here to help you on your beekeeping journey, ensuring you have the healthiest and most robust honeybee colonies for a successful and rewarding experience.

Stay tuned for more updates and information on our website regarding DASH and how it can benefit your apiary.