We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey – the incorporation of BS Honey Bees into BS Honey Bees Ltd as of April 1, 2021. This development marks a new and exciting chapter in our story.

For many years, BS Honey Bees has been dedicated to providing top-quality bees and beekeeping supplies to enthusiasts, beginners, and professionals alike. Our commitment to the world of beekeeping has grown stronger with each passing season. Incorporating BS Honey Bees into a limited company is a testament to our dedication and passion for these incredible creatures.

Why Incorporate?

Incorporating our business as BS Honey Bees Ltd not only reflects our growth but also allows us to serve our customers more effectively and efficiently. It offers greater financial stability, enhances our ability to invest in the future, and strengthens our commitment to the beekeeping community.

What Does This Mean for You?

For our valued customers, this transition will be seamless. You can continue to rely on us for the same high-quality bees, beekeeping equipment, and exceptional service that you've come to expect. Our dedication to sustainability, bee welfare, and customer satisfaction remains unwavering.

Our Ongoing Commitment

As BS Honey Bees Ltd, we are committed to expanding our offerings, promoting beekeeping education, and contributing to the preservation of these vital pollinators. We look forward to the future with great enthusiasm and gratitude for your continued support.

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we grow and evolve, always with the best interests of our bees and customers at heart.

Thank you for being a part of our beekeeping community. Together, we will achieve great things.

Stay tuned for more updates and beekeeping adventures with BS Honey Bees Ltd!