Amidst a rather overcast and gloomy September day, winter is gradually making its presence felt, and our first batch of overwintering nucs has successfully undergone their essential autumn Apiguard treatment.

What has truly surprised and heartened us is the resilience of our bees. Despite the less-than-ideal weather conditions and the noticeable drop in temperature, they are diligently engaged in stockpiling provisions in preparation for the forthcoming winter. This dedication to their hive and the collective effort they put into gathering supplies is truly remarkable.

Our post-treatment inspections have yielded reassuring results, indicating that our hives continue to maintain low mite levels. This bodes well for the health and vitality of our bee colonies as they prepare to face the challenges of the winter season. We can confidently say that our bees are in excellent condition and well-prepared to brave the colder months ahead.

For those who are keen on securing overwintered nucs for delivery in April 2013, we strongly encourage you to place your orders through our website. By doing so, you not only ensure a place for these thriving and well-prepared bees in your apiary but also take part in supporting their continued success. Your early commitment will go a long way in ensuring a thriving and prosperous beekeeping experience come spring.